OpenPlant Modeler Help

Bar Modification

Used to modify the attributes, annotation, labeling of reinforcement in the Dynamic Views. While the bars themselves are added in OpenPlant Modeler , the detail views and certain aspects can be modified here to accommodate different detailing styles in use across the world.

Accessed from:
  • Ribbon: Concrete > Drawing Production > 2D Rebar > Modify Rebar
Opens the Bar Modification toolbox:
Note: The tool is enabled in 2D Rebar reinforcement. The Bar Modification toolbar opens when the Modify Bar tool is selected while a bar is highlighted in 2D.

Provides options to modify the Bar Attributes, adjust Bar End Details, edit Bar Range Display and/or use Main Bar Labels, etc. Depending on the type of reinforcement (whether Main or Range bars) selected for modification, some of these dialogs show different parameters as applicable.

The options:
  • – to Save Modified Bar, or
  • – to Cancel the modified bar are also provided.